Gorgeous words Flor 💖🫂 thank you for letting us into your world, your perspective makes me live and love more presently, knowing it can all vanish at any time 🌻 I feel like that’s how I honor her, there’s a ripple effect when we are adjacent to these huge events. I’m holding everything closer. Almost like I can imagine everything like it’s already a memory, and then I’m also with it presently. I’m struck by her saying that life feels like it’s just a moment. A whole life can feel like a moment is pretty mind blowing. The statements “you have your whole life” and “life is short” completely at odds with each other. Both true. Both relative. All I can do is be present with this earthly experience. I love you so much! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Ahhhh. It makes me teary to read that you've experienced the ripple effects and that such an event can be felt by others. It's extra touching that you've stayed close during this time—of course, you've felt the ripples too! And you're right, thinking about our relationship to time can be paradoxical. Metaphors of time as a river or an hourglass can feel daunting, like time is slipping away... which is why remembering that this present moment is all we have is always such a timely reminder. Thanks for your comment and love you mucho!

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